The MVMHC High Point Youth Award is an annual award presented to a deserving youth member at the MVMHC annual meeting. This award, based on the accumulation of points in a variety of areas, recognizes youth members who have demonstrated a commitment to MVMHC, AMHA, AMHA Youth programs, the Morgan horse, and their community.
The award year is from the annual meeting of the previous year to the annual meeting of the award, approximately Nov. 1 to Oct. 31. All points are due the Friday prior to the meeting. The youth with the highest accumulation of points will be declared winner. The second highest will be reserve. Special gifts are awarded to the winner and reserve. All participants will receive a one-year subscription to Horse Illustrated or Young Rider (their choice).
The award is open to all MVMHC youth members. There is no fee to participate in the contest. Youth membership must be paid or youth member’s name must appear on family membership.
MVMHC Youth Hi Pt 2018